23 Dec 2022
FBS conducts Annual Sports for Foundation and Preparatory School children
FBS kicked-off Annual Sports in December 2022. The sports program was conducted in two phases.
Our Principal Mr. Mathew Thomas inaugurated the sports program. In the inaugural speech he said, “Sportsmanship springs from unflinching self-discipline, co-operation, hard work and ability to treat failures as stepping stone for success. Unfortunately in this digital age children have lost sight of the paramount importance of sports and games in their lives.”
The Annual Sports for Play group, Nursery, LKG and UKG students started on 10 December 2022. Children participated in events such as 25 meters running race, marble gathering and shooting-the-ball-into-basket.
The Annual Sports for students from Class 1-5 was conducted from 22 – 23 December 2022. Children vied with one another for laurels. They participated in 50 meters Running Race, Lemon and Spoon Race, Marble Gathering etc. The Annual Sports came to an end with prize distribution.