14 Oct 2023
FBS organises Capacity Building Programme on Art Integration
One-day long Capacity Building Programme (CBP) on Art Integration in Learning for Prospective Resource Persons was held in Future Bhubaneswar School on 14 October, 2023.
The training programme was organised by Centre of Excellence (CoE), CBSE, Bhubaneswar. Art Integrated Learning (AIL) is a teaching-learning model which is based on learning through the arts and with the arts. It is a process where art becomes the medium of teaching-learning, a key to understanding concepts within any subject of the curriculum. Not long ago, art remained relegated to the backroom to give space for standard subjects. But today art integrated learning has assumed significance and classroom teaching-learning has gone for a large scale metamorphosis.
Forty seven teachers from 15 schools across the city participated in the afore-said programme. Principal, Mathew Thomas inaugurated the CBP and wished the participants engrossing, educative and enjoyable sessions ahead. Resource persons, Ms. Jhinuk Dutta Ray and Ms Lizarani Das kept the participants engaged with the activities such as role play, drawing, skit, poster-making etc. The lively sessions helped the participant internalize the power of art in learning-teaching process. The teachers from FBS also participated in the CBP viz., Mita Mohanty, Jyoti Mshra, Arpita P Paramita, Subhashree Priyadarshini, Lipsa Padhi, Soni Kumar, Sharmistha Kar, Rajashree Panda, Sam Ajay Kumar Das, Pranati Manjari, Poulomi Datta, Meenakshi Mohanta, Sangita Nayak, Upasala Kavita and Sushant Kumar Biswal.