12 Aug 2022
Six teams from FBS qualify for Smart India Hackathon 2022 finals
Six student teams from FBS participated in Smart India Hackathon (SIH) 2022 Grand Finale for juniors (school children) which was conducted in the online mode on 12 Aug 2022. Students ideated and developed solutions to address problem statement under the themes of Disaster Management, Clean and Green Technology and Smart Education. They presented their solutions/working models/prototypes to the evaluation panel.
Smart India Hackathon 2022 is a nationwide initiative to provide students with a platform to solve some of the critical social and environmental challenges through STEM. It aims to inculcate a culture of product innovation and a problem-solving mindset.
Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell (MIC), in association with the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), launched Smart India Hackathon (SIH) 2022, and this year they also allowed school students from Class 6 – Class 12 to participate for the first time by submitting innovative ideas and concepts.
Samyak Panda, Class X, 2021-22 proposed a solution for his problem statement viz.,”There is a need to design drones and robots that can solve some of the pressing challenges of India such as handling medical emergencies, search and rescue operations, etc.” The team of Siddhant Tripathi, Sirjanveer Singh Bhatia and Prakriti Swain from Class X, 2021-22, presented a prototype for their problem statement “Curiosity-based Non-academic e-learning through augmented reality.“ The team of Laranya Mahaptra, Muskan Balita and Shreeyasa Panda from Class IX, 2021-22 presented a solution for the problem statement “AI helping students to learn better and faster”. The team of Saswat Sahu, Mansur Ahmad Khan and Preetam Priyanshu from Class IX, 2021-22 presented a solution for their problem statement “Shortage of hard copies of books in physical libraries.” The team of Shaswati Dash, Shrestha Tripathy and Subhabrat Satapathy from Class VIII, 2021-22 presented a working model solution for their problem statement “Increasing pollution levels in urban cities is making it difficult for the healthy living and well-being of people. The team of Gourav Mohanty and Purab Mulia from Class VII, 2021-22, presented a working model for their problem statement “Help people with basic necessities in case of any disaster like floods, Tsunami, earthquake, cyclones, landslides etc.”
Nine teams from Odisha got shortlisted out of a total of 519 teams from different schools across the country. Six teams out of the nine teams were from FBS. The teams addressed problem statements from 16 different themes viz., Clean and Green Technology, Disaster Management, Robotics and Drones, Smart Education.
The panel members appreciated the work done by the young students.